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Grammar, spelling, and formatting are key in professional communication. You don't want to be 'that guy' everyone laughs at because he's too dumb to know when to not use 'lol'.

Grammar, spelling, and general formatting are not just for school. This is the expectation in any workplace in your future, especially in emails or any other communication for work. Any and all posts to discussions or otherwise, unless in the ridiculous section, are considered for this grade.


Being present on time, getting to work, and meeting deadlines are all essential skills within discipline for almost every professional in the world.

This component isn't directly factored into your grade as much as it is your ticket for reassessment. Remember that this course allows you to automatically reassess the same skills as we go so that your current grade is a reflection of how much you've grown toward mastery.

If you do not submit assignments on time, that assignment is outside of this rule and you will have supplemental work to be done, a request to retest which much be signed by your parents, and a new version of the assignment will be given.

If you've done all work on time leading up the the assignment, you may ask foran extention AHEAD of the due date.

Behavior and Conduct

Ever heard of manners? Use them. No one in the world wants to deal with someone else's bad behavior. You don't have to be a genius to figure out what makes you a mean person or not. There is no room for dramatics, name calling, rude remarks, or any other Susan behavior you're walking in with.

There's a reason Susan always wants to see the manager, andit's because she never thinks anything is her fault. Susan doesn't realize she is the only and the entire reason that she is unhappy at all. Susan probably cries herself to sleep every night because she knows this and can't just STOP being Susan.

But you can. So stop. People like this are the bane of the workplace, the reason people have to post memes, and never get invited to anything. Just be cool, and if you can't decide what to say because it might come out mean, then just be quiet and write.

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